A week's supply of eco fuel, with everything you need for a toasty fire: the best eco logs around, high quality kiln-dried kindling and natural firelighters.
This box is designed to give you enough fuel to keep your stove lit for a few hours each day. If you'll be using your stove all day, you may need two boxes to ensure you've got enough fuel.
The kit includes:
- 7 x natural firelighters
- Enough kindling for 7 nights of fire-lighting
- 19kg of eco logs (56 pieces)
We've carefully curated the contents of this box to bring you the very best quality fuel. The eco logs that make up this fuel kit are the best we've ever tried, and we trialled a lot of different types before deciding on this one. They're 100% pure recycled wood shavings / compressed sawdust, with nothing added. They burn very hot and super efficient, and leave very little ash, which means that:
1) you get energy out of almost every gram of fuel you pay for and
2) this means you only have to clean the stove out very occasionally.
This is the stuff we use, every day, in the that keeps Anevay HQ warm and in the woodburners we use at home. It's sustainable, it's recycled and it's wood that would otherwise go into landfill. It burns incredibly well - quite often better than timber, especially if the timber has not been properly seasoned. The compact size of the logs works well with our small space stoves and saves on storage.
The firelighters are lovely little bundles of wax-dipped wood shavings that catch easily and have none of the paraffin smell that standard firelighters give off. The kindling is sustainably sourced and kiln-dried to ensure it catches easily and crackles like a dream.